Winsat English

Opp.St Mary's Cathedral, Ootty Rd, Chungam, Sultan Bathery, Wayanad - 673592

About Winsat English

"Winsat English" is an innovative concept. It is an Online Institute that takes students completely to the international level with the backing of cutting-edge technology. It focuses on the characteristics of the students and provides them with training to acquire skills such as Soft Skills, Mind Power, Communication Skills and Personality Development. Students gain knowledge through practical levels. This is a stark contrast to today's curriculum.
While the modern-day style of education encourages us to draw from theories and then practicals, "Winsat English" helps you to move from practice practical to theory. This is the practice of educating students through training and making them fully aware of their own existence.

It is mainly implemented through five programs.

1. Mind Design

2. Time Design

3. Clubbing

4. Personality Development

5. Communicative English.

The programme lasts for ten months. There will be two classes a week, each lasting two hours. Classes will be held on Saturday and Sunday. Teachers' monitoring will be available online for the entire time after the class. Students will have the opportunity to clear their doubts at the appropriate time. Classes are led by talented teachers at national and international levels. The programme is structured at the national level and the international level. In addition, there will be classes for students from the high school level upwards. It is located in Sulthan Bathery, Wayanad District, Kerala, a state in India, the "God on Country".
Kerala is internationally famous for tourism. Wayanad has a special place in it. Teachers have been deployed to handle classes from anywhere in India. Similarly, complete control of technology comes from India's IT hub, Bangalore. At the end of each month, they can understand each student's progress report online.

Posted By : Winsat English

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