Co Operative Bank Exam Coaching in Thampanoor

  • Locality : Thampanoor
  • Subcategories : Co Operative Bank Exam Coaching
Today ( 09:00 AM To 05:30 PM ) Open Now
Sahakari Race Plus is a prestigious and highly specialized competition that caters to individuals aspiring to excel in various examinations related to Cooperative Societies and Apex Banking Institutions in the state of Kerala. This unique competition is specifically designed to identify and nurture talent in the field of Cooperative Secto... r and Banking, with a focus on the Kerala State Co-Operative Service Examination Board (CSEB) and Kerala Bank. Key Features of Sahakari Race Plus: Targeted Preparation: Sahakari Race Plus is tailored to meet the exact requirements of those preparing for exams conducted by the Kerala State Co-Operative Service Examination Board (CSEB) and Kerala Bank. It provides a specialized curriculum to help candidates master the specific subjects and topics relevant to these examinations. Comprehens+ More

* Junior Co -Operative Inspector * General Manager * Deputy General Manager * Assistants * Clerk Grade - 1 * Junior Clerks * Secretary * Asst. Secretary * Promotion Test In * Kerala Bank * KSCARDB * APEX CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES * Co- Operative Banks

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