Mark International Study Abroad

opposite to Mar Ivanios Main Gate, Nalanchira, Paruthippara, Trivandrum - 695015

About Mark International Study Abroad

Established in 2019, Mark International Consultancy is a registered UK-based education and career guidance consultancy.

At Mark International Consultancy, our mission is to help international students study in the UK, and nurses advance their careers by finding lucrative job opportunities in UK hospitals.

We strive to help students acquire international education and enjoy a rewarding future in the field of their choice.

We have a team of qualified, experienced and knowledgeable consultants who help students every step of the process.

Our team works with students cohesively, ensuring that they make the right university and programme selection, and complete all their paperwork correctly so that their applications are approved.

At Mark International Consultancy, our goal is to bridge the gap between students and quality education. We want to make sure that quality education such as that offered in UK universities is accessible to all students worldwide.

Education is the right of every student and it is much needed today for career growth and advancement.

Besides helping students study in UK, we also assist nurses from overseas find employment in UK based hospitals including both private and NHS hospitals, and even in nursing homes.

Did you know that the NHS is the largest employer in the United Kingdom with over a million employees? Besides this, their workforce is multicultural and diverse.

NHS strives to employ the best and talented nurses beyond Europe and the UK. So, if you’re a skilled and professionally qualified nurse, we can help you with your application requirements and other paperwork ensuring that you have a high chance of being selected and recruited in NHS hospitals.

Whether you want to study or work in the UK, we can help you pursue your dream.

Get in touch with us today!

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