Swasthi Homoeo Clinic Parassala


Swasthi Homoeopathic clinic, Mannam Memmorial Building, Karali, Parassala, Parassala, Parassala, Trivandrum - 695502

Swasthi Homoeopathic clinic is the best homoeopathic clinic located in Parassala, Thiruvananthapuram. Swasthi offers natural & effective homoeopathic treatment for all health issues, diseases for your whole family.

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Swasthi Homoeopathic clinic is the best homoeopathic clinic located in Parassala, Thiruvananthapuram. Swasthi offers natural & effective homoeopathic treatment for all health issues, diseases for your whole family.
Swasthi working towards a healthy society. Swasthi-"the way to wellness..."
Swasthi - the best home clinic in Parassala
The best home clinic in Parassala. Swasthi- Spreading a thousand smiles

Reviews & Ratings of Swasthi Homoeo Clinic Parassala


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User Reviews


July 29, 2021


Got the treatment for asthma. Satisfied and heathy now. thanks to Swasthi