Engineering Graphics, Btech Graphics,b-tech Tution in Trivandrum

  • District : Trivandrum
  • Subcategories : Engineering graphics, BTech Graphics,B-tech tution
Today ( 09:30 AM To 06:00 PM ) Open Now
Authorised distance education centre of Mewar universit, Bharathiar universityRabindranath tagore university & Carolx teachers university credit transfer facility for engineering one sitting exams online courses available

The Graphics Corner Ayurveda College, Trivandrum
TUITION HIGHLIGHTS *Convenient Timings (Sun/Sat.& Evng.,2.5Hrs duration in each slot) *Individual Support (Based on the Grasping Capability of each Student) *Concept Oriented Classes (Regular -72Hrs to Crash-18Hrs) *Sure Success Plan+ (Innovative Teaching Methodology - Helps the Students to Think Creatively & Tackl... e Application Level Problems) * Visual Learning (Instructional Multimedia gives the Learner an Extremely Visual Lesson on whatever they are watching. *Drawing Hall Facility ("Practice makes the Master") * Unit Test Forum (Chapter wise test series includes Prev. Unv. Qns.) *Module Test Forum (Application Level Problems in each Module) *Mock Test Series (Prominent Qns for Unv. Exam.) *Exam Orientation Programme (Before Unv. Exam - Special Answering Methods,Some Tips, Trick+ More

Tangent Pappanamcode, Trivandrum
For all those who are joining for engineering must know the engineering language ie; Engineering graphics.Its important.To know the engineering graphics for the technical communication .As using file works to communicate in an office engineers use graphics for communication.most of the students who join for b-tech is facing the difficulty... to learn engineering graphics and the number of students fail in b-tech for the subject Engineering graphics is increasing .Even if the teachers are well qualified , its difficult to handle every student if the students strength is more than 70 students. To overcome all such limitations we have started to teach the language with well experienced teachers and we had only limited strength in each class.Along with the class we are giving model question papers of all major universities to the stu+ More

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