Dealers in Attingal

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Newopsis Infotech Pvt ltd in Attingal, Trivandrum
Newopsis Infotech Pvt ltd

Attingal, Trivandrum

Newopsis Infotech Private Limited is an unlisted private company. It was incorporated on 20 Septembe... r, 2018 and is located in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. It is classified as a private limited company.The company has two directors - Vishnu Sasi Kumar and Sasikumar Sankara Pillai. The registered office of the company is at XII/431,XVIII 955, RSP TOWER ATTINGAL, TRIVANDRUM, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. The total paid-up capital is INR 1.00 lac. The last reported AGM (Annual General Meeting) of the company, per our records, was held on 26 July, 2019. Also, as per our records, its last balanc

Vinstar Systems in Attingal, Trivandrum
Vinstar Systems

Attingal, Trivandrum

3G Tech Solution in Attingal, Trivandrum
3G Tech Solution

Attingal, Trivandrum

Netscape systems in Attingal, Trivandrum
Netscape systems

Attingal, Trivandrum

Cyber dale in Attingal, Trivandrum
Cyber dale

Attingal, Trivandrum

Chain computers in Attingal, Trivandrum
Chain computers

Attingal, Trivandrum