We are the Original designers & manufacturers of Double Stage & Triple Stage automatic multi mill machineries in India since 1984 We are guided by the vision to be "The best in the manner in which we operate, best in the products we deliver and best in our value system and ethics".
We Manufacture mac... hineries in single and double heads which can be operated at a time even by a single unskilled operator.
Foundation is not needed for our machineries.
Cooling system enhances the flavour locking of spices and condiments preserving the quality and colour.
Variety of items like chilly, coriander, turmeric, masala mix, dry and wet rice, wheat, cereals, animal / poultry feeds, ayurvedic medicines, sea foods, tea leaves, chemical and plastic products can be ground in our machinery
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Aurapack offers comprehensive packaging and coding solution for solids and liquids in any form from handling raw materials, warehousing, sorting, cleaning, processing, weighing, packing, coding, bundling, lodging and more. Apart from standerd stand alone machine and integrated solution. Aurapack also offers custom made machine and packag... ing line as per individual needs of the customer.
Every organization has a personality of its own which makes it stand apart from the crowd. For Aurapack unmatched customers loyality and repeted patronage by our customer differnciater. This is due to our passion for innovation resulting in best in class excellence of our own manufacturing. Then theres the trust bestowed upon by the renowned international manufactures who we represent we are proud that they have handed over their reputation to u+ More