Computer Hardware & Software Courses in Irinjalakuda

  • Locality : Irinjalakuda
  • Subcategories : Computer Hardware & Software Courses
PNS College of Engineering & KTES ITI Irinjalakuda, Thrissur
Today ( 09:00 AM To 05:00 PM ) Open Now
Established in 1972 (as KTI), Thousands of students have passed out from our college. PNS has shown them the path of success...the path of achievements and fame. The Courses are approved for Government Jobs and jobs in the private sector. ITI, KGCE Course certificates are qualifications specified by PSC, UPSC, and other Government organis... ations like Railways, Air force, etc while recruiting their manpower. Popular Courses Automobile Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering, Ac&Refrigeration Engineering, Draughtsman Civil, Civil Engineering Xray/TIG/MIG Welding KGCE Courses KGCE is the abbreviation of Kerala Government Certificate in Engineering . KGCE courses are conducted at Bharathi Technical Engineering College at KTES Campus , Chettiparambu, Irinjalakuda ITI Courses National Council for + More

PNS Group institutions Irinjalakuda, Thrissur
Today ( 09:00 AM To 05:00 PM ) Open Now
The Institute PNS College of Engineering and KTES ITC is a modern forward looking industrial training Centre. It has a welcoming and friendly atmosphere. Our mission is to produce highly skilled technicians and work force to meet the never ending demand for skilled labourers in companies across the globe. We strive to disseminate info... rmation on the latest changes, trends, techniques and methodologies to keep in pace with the latest in technology. The programs we offer are designed to equip our students with highly rewarding skills and experience which will further their career aspirations and enrich their future lives. We help students to mould their entire personality to make them worthy citizens. PNS College and KTES ITC is located in the heart of Irinjalakuda town, at Chettiparambu thereby very easily accessible + More

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