Kerala's first abacus institution since 1999* Internationally tested and proven program Level- wise exam & certification for students, State level and national competition, Students easy transfer among world wide centers
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* Kerala's first abacus institution since 1999
* Internationally tested and proven program
* Level- wise exam & certification for students
* State level and national competition
* Students easy transfer among world wide centers
* Kerala's first abacus institution since 1999
* Internationally tested and proven program
* Level- wise exam & certification for students
* State level and national competition
* Students easy transfer among world wide centers
* Kerala's first abacus institution since 1999
* Internationally tested and proven program
* Level- wise exam & certification for students
* State level and national competition
* Students easy transfer among world wide centers
* Kerala's first abacus institution since 1999
* Internationally tested and proven program
* Level- wise exam & certification for students
* State level and national competition
* Students easy transfer among world wide centers