SPB Contractors & Constructors


TC 53/335/1 Rashmi Nivas Ayyanthole post ,Thrissur, Ayyanthole, Thrissur - 680003

Our subcontractors have now worked with us for good number of years and have proved their reliability and dedication to quality workmanship .Everyone ,who worked on our project,has to meet our standards of integrity ,quality and value

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S P B Contractors & Constructors Pvt.Ltd is provide high quality ,pesronalize design & construction services in and around kerala.Our services include design consultation ,remodelling ,additions and new construction .We give preference to undertake constructions of various types of residential and commercial buildings on contract basis.
SPB is an ISO 9001-2008 certified company .Each of our projects is managed by our team of highly experienced personnel,incorporating the services of various professionals in the architectural ,engineering ,quntity surveying and other related fields ,with whom we have established an excellent working relationship.Our subcontractors have now worked with us for good number of years and have proved their reliability and dedication to quality workmanship .Everyone ,who worked on our project,has to meet our standards of integrity ,quality and value.

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January 11, 2017