Curtains And Furnishing in Kozhencherry

  • Locality : Kozhencherry
  • Subcategories : Curtains and Furnishing
Melepeedikayil Enterprises Kozhencherry, Pathanamthitta
Today ( 09:00 AM To 08:00 PM ) Open Now
Melepeedikayil Enterprises with over 33 years of experience and expertise in the interior furnishing now offers you choices you will just find hard to say no to. Over the years of our collection of curtains, mattresses, furniture and cushions along with our other products have found their way to homes throughout the state. Now with mattre... sses exclusive show rooms for “Sleepwell", "Duroflex", Spring Air & "Restolex"we reached one step ahead with customer preferences and have moved towards achieving our goal of complete customer satisfaction. The customers who visit our show rooms can find an epic collection of product varieties and we can take them to extreme level of satisfaction by fulfilling their requirements. Our strength is the faith and reliability of our customers having on us which inspire us+ More

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