Fire And Safety Consultant in Pathanamthitta

  • District : Pathanamthitta
  • Subcategories : Fire and Safety Consultant
Safe Queen Traders Pullad, Pathanamthitta
Today ( 09:00 AM To 06:30 PM ) Closed
We deals with all type of Firefighting equipments such as , Fire Extinguishers, Hose Reel Drum Full Set, Hydrant Valves, Branch Pipes, Fire Alaram Equipments like Manual Call Pint, Hooter , Fire Alaram Panel (2 zone , 4 zone, 8 zone etc) Smoke and Heat Detectors, Sprinklers, Hose Box etc all other firefighting and alaram system equipment... s. Our service also include , Taking Fire NOC, Consultaion , Design , Supply and installaion , Testing , commissioning and maintenance services of fire protection systems Dealers of Essel Valves , Hindustan Fire Protection , Chandrakant & Co. ,Kartar Valves and Ravel+ More

Universal Future Solutions Mylapra, Pathanamthitta
Today ( 10:00 AM To 05:00 PM ) Closed
Universal Future Solutions, based out of Pathanamthitta, we do cater to the needs of neighbouring districts for all the items related to fire safety. We are the leaders in our areas of operations with expertise to cater to the needs.Firefighters are familiar with using hoses and master stream devices for fire attack. But there are times w... hen these aren’t the right tools for the job or they aren’t immediately available. In these cases, fire extinguishers handheld firefighters might be the way to get the job done. Incipient-stage car fires, appliance fires, incipient-stage kitchen fires, equipment fires, electrical fires, small contents fires in a home or commercial occupancy and even laboratory fires may be handled with fire extinguishers under the right conditions.+ More

Zero Fire Ranni, Pathanamthitta
Today ( 09:00 AM To 05:30 PM ) Closed
1) Fire system Materials (Fire Extinguishers, Hydrant Valve, Hose Box, Hose Pipe, Fire Alarm, Sprinkler,Branch Pipe Nozzle, Foam Branch, Coupling, ISI GI Pipe, Flange, Fire Pump, Hose Reel, Butterfly Valve) 2) Safety Products (Helmets, Googles, Safety Mask, Ear Muff, Hand Gloves, Safety Shoes, Fire Blanket, First aid Box,... Fire Man Axe, Fire Bucket, Traffic Cone, Refflective Jacket, Life Jacket & life Bouy, Reducer, MCP & Hooter, Water Check valve, 3) Safety Sign Stickers & boards 4)Electronic security Systems (CCTV, IP CCTV, Instruction Detection system, Fire alarm Systems, Access Control system, Biometric Attendance machine, Video Door Phone)+ More

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