Valluvanad Construction

Seeja 15/162, Near Collector's Bungalow, college road, Palakkad, Palakkad Town, Palakkad - 678001

About Valluvanad Construction

Valluvanad Constructions, a unique construction company which specializes in the construction of traditional Nalukettu with all the modern amenities that conventional RCC buildings offer.

Valluvanadu Constructions was initiated in the year 1988 by Mr. Mohan Warrier, a diploma holder in Civil Engineering. His relationship with Nalukettu started in the early days of his childhood while he was living in his house Kolathur Variam-Ettukettu Malika. After that he acquired knowledge in Vasthu Vidya under the guidance of the renowned scholar Late Kanipayur Krishnan Namboodiripad and started constructing modern nalukettu in various parts of South India.

The Valluvanad Constructions, always lays emphasis on quality of jobs by seeking necessary professional guidance from architects, structural engineers etc. In every phase of the construction starting from designing and right to the handing over the keys, Valluvanadu Construction gives due importance to the Panchabhootha concepts of Vasthu namely Earth, Wind, Fire, Sky and Water. The same five elements constitute the human body. Right blend of these five elements offer maximum comfort to the inmates.
Our Services :
Modern Nalukettu is Valluvanadu Construction's forte. Valluvanadu Constructions promises to deliver its clients a "Nalukettu" with all the modern facilities and amenities that modern RCC buildings offer. This fine blend of tradition and modern facilities are unique to Valluvanadu. All our constructions are Vasthu Compliant.

Valluvanadu Construction's profile is rich and versatile. Valluvanadu construction has successfully constructed magnificient TRADITIONAL MALABAR STYLE HOUSES, MODERN RCC BUILDINGS, COMMERCIAL SPACES, TREE TOPS, RIVER VIEW RESORTS and MUD HOUSE.

Valluvanadu Constructions is identified with its designs of traditional "NALUKETTU" with modern amenities. In addition to this Valluvanadu Construction also designs traditional malabar style homes customized as per the customer's requirements. Our expertise also covers state of art commercial spaces.

Valluvanadu Constructions offer Vasthu Consultancy for residential and commercial space, residential plots and layouts. Compliance to Vasthu helps the residents or the users of the space to attaining more meaning, happiness and prosperity.

Posted By : K.V Mohan Warrier


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Dhanesh S R
January 02, 2019

January 29, 2016

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