Malabar Fero Cement Work

Malabar Fero Cement Works , Kadampuzha Post, Maravattom, Kottakkal, Malappuram - 676503

About Malabar Fero Cement Work

Cement and concrete are used interchangeably but there are technical distinctions and the meaning of cement has changed since the mid-nineteenth century when ferrocement originated.The desired shape may be built from a multi-layered construction of mesh, supported by an armature, or grid, built with rebar and tied with wire. For optimum performance, steel should be rust-treated, (galvanized) or stainless steel.The economic advantage of ferro concrete structures is that they are stronger and more durable than some traditional building methods.Ferro concrete structures can be built quickly, which can have economic advantages. In inclement weather conditions, the ability to quickly erect and enclose the building allows workers to shelter within and continue interior finishing.The advantages of a well built ferro concrete construction are the low weight, maintenance costs and long lifetime in comparison with purely steel constructions.When a ferro concrete sheet is mechanically overloaded, it will tend to fold instead of break or crumble like stone or pottery. As a container, it may fail and leak but possibly hold together. Much depends on techniques used in the construction.

Posted By : Sooraj

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