Kandamchira Distributors

Kandamchira Distributors, Excel Building, Sastri Road, Kottayam, Sastri Road, Kottayam - 686001

About Kandamchira Distributors

Sistributors and super stockist of ayurvedic drugs. All kinds of Ayurveda medicines and treatments.

Posted By : NA


  • MON  09:00 AM To 07:30 PM
  • TUE  09:00 AM To 07:30 PM
  • WED  09:00 AM To 07:30 PM
  • THU  09:00 AM To 07:30 PM
  • FRI  09:00 AM To 07:30 PM
  • SAT  09:00 AM To 07:30 PM
  • SUN  Holiday
09:00 AM To 07:30 PM


All hours

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