Job Consultancy in Paippad

  • Locality : Paippad
  • Subcategories : Job Consultancy
Fiveland Multi Services Pvt Ltd. Paippad, Kottayam
Today ( 09:00 AM To 06:00 PM ) Closed
FIVELAND MULTI SERVICES PVT LTD We Provide Job Visa & Immigration Service From 15+ Experience. HOMEABOUT+RECRUITMENTS+EMPLOYERS+JOB SEEKER+CONTACT 15+ Years of Your Trust and Recommendation We are fiveland multi services pvt Ltd , a lot of organizations talking about faith, but in five land group, we move this conversation. By wor... king together, we were sensitized to the various aspects of different business purposes, which helped create a good attitude for each other. Furthermore, every Deemster immediately sees the larger picture of building a career and can get towards it. But the most significant thing we discovered is that we will never lean behind. This desire to achieve a job in this competitive world is what we serve our clients providing suitable jobs We have always been passionate about our work and we believe t+ More

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