R Sankar Smaraka Sree Narayana College, Nedumkunnam, Kottayam - 686542
R Sankar Smaraka Sree Narayana College is one of the best college in kottayam.R.Sankar Smaraka Sree Narayana College, Nedumkunnam P.O,Changanacherry, Pin.686542, Kottayam dist. is established and managed by the Changanacherry Union of the SNDP Yogam in the year 2014. The objective of the institution is to provide higher education to the young men and women especially of the backward community of the locality. The college lays special emphasis on character building and social commitments based on the teachings of Sree Narayana Guru who exhorted Freedom and enlighten through education
The College is situated in a village called SREENARAYANAGIRI, Three kilometres from Nedumkunnam Town. Silent, Unpolluted, Present Environment is the major positive of this location. College Bus facility available for students.
Posted By : R Sankar Smaraka Sree Narayana College
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