Nela Rain Water Harvesting

Nela Rain Water Harvesting,Opp Civil Station,Kanjirapallay, Kanjirappally, Kottayam - 686507

About Nela Rain Water Harvesting

Nela (Society for energy, learn and action) is a registered charitable society under the society’s act in the year 2004. The members of our society are unemployed youths who are educationally qualified in various fields.
“Environmental protection – the need of today and for the next generation ” is the “motto’’ of our society. We have been conducting classes/seminars/distributing brochures in the villages and schools to give awareness among the people and students, the necessity of protecting our Mother Earth and Natural energy.
Society for Natural Energy, Learn and action is a group of unemployed youths in and around Kanjirappally, who are educationally qualified in various fields. For the last few years, we have been in the field of constructing Biogas plants, Rainwater Harvesting Tanks, RAS (Recirculatory Aquaculture System ) and Biofloc.
We are providing technical training to masons to construct Ferro Cement Rainwater Harvesting Tank, Biogas Plant, RAS, and Biofloc. Our technical personnel have got 8-10 years of experience in the construction of Biogas Plant/Rainwater Harvesting Tank/RAS/Biofloc.
We have also conducted a street play with the financial assistance from KRWSA ( Jalanidhi ) in the month of May 2005 in the districts of Kottayam, Idukki, and Pathanamthitta on water conservation. We were doing the “Farm Forestry Scheme” of Hindusthan News Print LTD., Velloor under the guidance from them. Now we are doing the construction of Rainwater Harvesting Tank, Biogas Plant, RAS ( Recirculatory Aquaculture System )/Biofloc in various areas of South India.


Can we imagine a day, even a few hours without drinking water? We would manage but only for a very short time. It seems very sarcastic to acknowledge the fact that water is observed as one of the basic necessities for the survival of human life and at the same time humans tend to exploit it. We are living in an era where sustainable development is to be given much emphasis. Each and every drop of water ought to be saved, stored and used in the proper way so that the future generations might not face any difficulty.


Our surroundings are filled with huge piles of waste everywhere. These garbage mountains include both organic and inorganic waste materials. Installation of Portable Biogas Plants can aid us to minimize this garbage heaps by decomposing the organic waste through anaerobic digestion which is not harmful to our environment. Hence it is time for us to be responsible individuals and nurture our nature.

NELA is an ANERT [Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology] approved Portable Biogas Plant manufacturer. We manufacture the biogas plant in Kottayam, Kerala region.

We are proud to say that our company is one of the leading Biogas Plant manufacturers in Kerala. We are, approved service providers for waste disposal management. It is very economical and efficient for small income families to choose Biogas Plants as they help to dispose of the waste materials naturally, and at the same time provide cooking gas for household uses.


The increasing pile of garbage in our environment poses a great threat to nature and it is our duty as responsible individuals to foster and include eco-friendly notions in our day to day life. One such eco-friendly concept is the installation of permanent Biogas Plants. This concept is to be given great relevance and be installed in industrial institutions such as Hotels, Colleges, Farms and Auditoriums where waste materials are produced in large scales.

NELA is an ANERT [Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology] approved Portable Biogas Plant manufacturer. We are, approved service providers for waste disposal management.


The process of raising fish either in enclosures such as fish ponds or commercially in tanks is referred to as fish farming. Fish farming is considered as a way for the production of fish food in large scale for consumption. The ever increasing demand for fish and fish protein ultimately leads to over fishing as a result of which several species of fishes are facing the danger of extinction. This decrease in the global fish harvest can be balanced by ensuring the availability of fish through fish farms. Hence fish farming can be seen as an alternative method of pisciculture that helps to reduce the pressure on wild fisheries and at the same time sustain the commercial production of fish and fish protein.

Rain Water Harvesting, Portable Biogas Plant,Fixed Biogas Plant(Govt Subsidy),Ready made Bore Well Recharging

Posted By : Propriter


  • MON  09:00 AM To 07:00 PM
  • TUE  09:00 AM To 07:00 PM
  • WED  09:00 AM To 07:00 PM
  • THU  09:00 AM To 07:00 PM
  • FRI  09:00 AM To 07:00 PM
  • SAT  09:00 AM To 07:00 PM
  • SUN  Holiday


All hours

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