College Of Architechture in Kottayam

  • District : Kottayam
  • Subcategories : College of Architechture
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Bishop Chulaparambil Memorial College (BCM College), one of the first colleges for women in Kerala, situated at the heart of Kottayam, was founded in 1955 with the objective of empowering and liberating the women through education. Emblem_B.C.M College Kottayam The dawn of the 20th Century ushered in an era marked out in human history... as a harbinger for empowering women, equipping them with education and thereby elevating them into higher echelons of social strata.This revolutionary call resonated in a remote Southern part of India prompting the visionary prelate of blessed memory H.E Mar Alexander Chulaparambil to embark a journey unparalleled in the social history of the nation.His visionary zeal materialized in 1927 in the form of a girls high school at Kottayam, the St Anns Girls School. The inaugural meeting of the scho+ More

DDAVS Institute of Interior Design Sankranthi, Kottayam
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Today ( 09:00 AM To 10:00 PM ) Closed
The curriculum is as follows Four Certifications are under DDAVS Institute of Interior Design:- ----------------------------------------------------------- 1.Central Govt Certification in association with udyogmitra a.Diploma in Interior Designing (6 month) - Eligibility : SSLC b.Advanced Diploma in interior ... Designing (1 year Course_-Eligibility : Plus Two ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.UGC Approved Diploma Courses:- a.Diploma in Interior Designing (6 month/1 Year) - Eligibility : SSLC b.Advanced Diploma in interior Designing (1 year /2 YearCourse_-Eligibility : Plus Two ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.UGC Approved B.VOC/Degree Courses : Eligibility : Plus Two:- + More

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