Educational Consultancy in Chalukunnu

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  • Locality: Chalukunnu
  • Subcategories: Educational Consultancy
Global Gatez in Chalukunnu, Kottayam
Global Gatez

Chalukunnu, Kottayam

In INDIA we have 138 Cr of population of which 25 Cr are between the age group of 15 to 24 years. Wh... ere as in Kerala our 3 Cr 55 lakhs of population 60 lakhs are of the age group 15 to 24 years. In Kerala every year when 500,000 of students pass 10th standard, around 4,00,000 students are passing 12th standard. Every Year around 6,00,000 students are completing their UG in Kerala. For all students the medium of study is English the global language. Students in Kerala can understand English and can express their thoughts very well in English. For most of them the comprehension is good, b