Renowned Hydro-geologist and his team will study the plot and suggest the best point for drilling. ELECTRICAL SOUNDING will be done on the plot and a detailed report will be given (which includes depth to water, depth to rock, pipe required and cost estimation etc..)
The leading Bore well Drilling Contractor from Kottayam, Kerala offering reliable and result oriented Bore well Service, 4 3/4" and 6½" Bore well Drilling, Bore well Flushing / Cleaning, Re-boring.
SN Borewells, Top Borewell Drilling contractor with best service in Bore well and Pump Fittings. We are leading Govt. Approved and Licence Borewell Contractor cum operator from Kottayam, Kerala. And we offering reliable and result oriented Bore well Service, 4 3/4" 5, 5½ and 6½" Borewell Drilling, Borewell Flushing / Borewell Cl... eaning, Borewell Re-boring.+ More