We offer complete solutions in the following areas:
* Retail point-of-sale systems with GS1 Barcodes.
* Linear Barcode and the latest 2 Dimensional ( 2D ) Barcode Printing.
* Barcode implementation guideline development.
* Barcode symbology training and consultation.
* Barcodes implementation as per DGFT & MOHFW norms.
* Barcod... e designs and GTIN allocations strictly confirming GS1 General specifications version 11.
* Supply chain and logistics process design utilizing international barcoding standards.
* Support for GS1 Barcode Verification Certificates.
* Barcode scanning and decoding test plan development and implementation.
* Barcode GEPIR Data Entry for Official approval of Barcodes.
* Programming standards development for barcode encoding and decoding logic.
* Barcode Hardware like TT Barcode prin+ More