Brothers Shopping Mall

Brothers Shopping Mall, High School Jn, Highschool Junction, Kollam - 691013

About Brothers Shopping Mall

Fancy Items, Gifts, Toys, Stationary, Fashion accessories store, Ladies Fancy items, Footwear etc...

Posted By : Jain.C. Job

Privilege Card Offer
Remarks/ Exclusion:

5% discount on Imitation Jewellery, Gifts, Bangles, Cosmetics, Fancy Goods.

Up To 5% OFF


  • MON  09:00 AM To 08:30 PM
  • TUE  09:00 AM To 08:30 PM
  • WED  09:00 AM To 08:30 PM
  • THU  09:00 AM To 08:30 PM
  • FRI  09:00 AM To 08:30 PM
  • SAT  09:00 AM To 08:30 PM
  • SUN  Holiday


All hours

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