- District: Kollam
- Subcategories: Consultancy

Karicode, Kollam

Be Positive Counseling Expert in solving Family problems, Behavioral problems & Child related c... ases ( NLP techniques also used) Online Consultation now available during this covid19 pandemic. Stay Home Stay Safe.. Book appointments between morning 7am - 9:30am and evening 5 pm and 9:30pm Contact via WhatsApp 70340 74583, 9447103294

Anchal, Kollam
Hospital with all Facilities,Doctors Consultings , OP/IP Departments, Laboratory, Pharmacy, X Ray, ... ECG Etc...

Anchal, Kollam
Hospital with all Facilities,Ent Clinic, OP/IP Departments, Laboratory, Pharmacy, X Ray, ECG Etc

Kulathupuzha, Kollam
Nursing Home Clinic with all Fascilities, doctor's Consultation, Nursing care Services, Laborat... ory and Pharmacy Services Etc...

Kilikollur, Kollam

Kottamukku, Kollam
Pranaah Holistic Health Care Pvt. Limited Company is a leading multi disciplinary holistic and well ... being focused mental health organization. We offer Psychological Medicine, Psychological Counselling, Psychotherapy, Psychological assessments, IQ Tests, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Special Education, Allopathic, Ayurveda and Homeopathic consultation for mental well being, specialized Yoga, Meditation and Life Coaching. In-order to empower the skills, personality, standard of living and social awareness of people, we provide workshops, training and camps; which are custom tailored to s

Beach Road, Kollam

Pathanapuram, Kollam
All Types Of English , Vetrenery Medicines Are Sales, Health Drinks, Baby Foods, Baby Pro... ducts, Sanitery Napkins,Surgical Items Are Sales

Anchal, Kollam
All Types Of English, Veterinery Medicines, Health Drinks, , Baby Foods, Baby Products, Sanitery... Products,Surgical Equipments

Pathanapuram, Kollam
Hospital , providing patient treatment with specialized medical and nursing staff and medical equipm... ent.

Valakom, Kollam
Hospital , providing patient treatment with specialized medical and nursing staff and medical equ... ipment.

Oyoor, Kollam
Alopathy Hospital , by a group of general practitioners and nurses providing ...,Healthcare Services

Oyoor, Kollam
Alopathy Hospital , by a group of general practitioners and nurses providing ...,Healthcare ... Services

Oyoor, Kollam
Hospital ,health care institution providing patient treatment with specialized medical and nursin... g staff and medical equipments

Oyoor, Kollam
Dental Clinics, specialised in dental care treatments Dentists Consultings, Dental Car... e

Oyoor, Kollam
Doctor, Medical Consultings, English (Alopathy) ,Rtd DMO

Oyoor, Kollam
Diabatics Specialist Doctor, specializes in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Or... igin of diabetologist Expand.

Kadappakada, Kollam
Dr Joel Baiju MD Paediatrics Consultant in Neonatology and Paediatrics Paediatric consultation fr... om Monday to Saturday along with vaccination on all days