Ecozone Concepts, an ISO9001:2015, BIC certified company, is an expertise in wide variety of waste management plants and water treatment solutions across industry, homes, and communities including waste burning plants to treat different domestic and commercial garbage with zero pollution and Testing and purifying water to ensure whether t... he quality meets the drinking water standard and to ensure safe drinking water for homes and communities.
What We Do
We help people to have proper waste management without polluting our environment as well as our water treatment services can help resolve the prevailing water scarcity. We are here to help assure an environment free of both air and water pollution and we provide best experience in waste management and water treatment services.
Ecozone Concepts is a start-up that ha+ More
With Green Oxyguard, food wastes,plastic papers etc can be combusted without any fuel consumption or muchmore expenditure. Green Oxy Guard Multipurpose Incinerator which can boil water is also on sale.Much suitable for Hospitals, Auditoriums,Houses, flats...
We are authoritative in manufacturing the qualitative products and our well inte... grated work set up is our key to growth. Our infrastructure is scattered over a large area and features adequate expansion potential. We invest substantial amounts in leveraging prevailing manufacturing techniques that nurture our proficiency to enhance our product reach in a dynamic marketplace. Our in-house manufacturing units are parted into highly advanced divisions for R&D, product testing, packaging and distribution activities that are headed by trained professionals.
The unique princ+ More
Bokashi bucket converts kitchen wastes into world class organic manure using Japanese Bokashi technology.
Bokashi-The earth doctor
Bokashi composting is known as 'Earth Doctor' as it maintains the natural composition and fertility of the soil and creates a favorable habitat for organisms like earthworms.
We aim to promo... te organic farming culture without the use of chemical fertilizers and thereby mold healthy future generations.
BOKASHI BUCKET satisfies the need of households to have an airtight waste storage bin which composts all types of food wastes easily without putrid odours or infestation with insects,worms or rodents.You can process your kitchen garbage inside your home hygienically+ More