Consultants in Thavakkara

  • Locality : Thavakkara
  • Categories : Consultants
Weber Designers & Engineers Thavakkara, Kannur
Today ( 09:30 AM To 05:00 PM ) Closed
VISION & MISSION Our Vision is to create long-term client relationships and partner with clients to create breakthrough results with trust, quality, cooperation and team work. Our culture is committed to doing whatever it takes to help our clients succeed. We think and act like business partners, not academic advisors. Our firm ut... ilizes a team approach to achieve our mission, each of teams consist of mechanical and electrical Engineers working together on a consistent basis to promote a better communication and co-ordination. Our wide experience and in-depth knowledge of engineering enables us to provide innovative solutions to serve our clients. ABOUT US Weber designers and engineers up holds the highest level of engineering standards and ethics while providing accurate and reliable consulting services. Our goal or+ More

Career Sport Thavakkara, Kannur
Today ( 09:00 AM To 06:30 PM ) Closed
Educational consultants overseas and in land

Vijaya Builders Thavakkara, Kannur
Civil Engineering Consultancy

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