NIRAVATH JIUBILY NIDHI LIMITED [NJNL] is a Nidhi company having registered office at Iritty, Kannur Kerala. the object of the Company is to encourage and afford all facilities for cultivating thrift, saving habits and to render all financial assistance, by receiving long and short term deposits and lend grant loans to the as are allowed b... y law for Nidhi or mutual benefit finance company, We at NJNL, stimulate the mutual growth of our members through Trust and Responsibility and in this process NJNL strives to contribute to the development of the society overall. The Primary objective of our institution is to cultivate the habit of savings among our members. Our first and foremost aim is to satisfy our members and create mutuality among them, NJNL is fully financial services company.+ More
FINANCIAL CONSULTANT FOR BANK LOANS. I am retired Senior Manager from Bank having experience in project appraisal, home loan processing. Loans can be arranged for NRI's on the security of existing house.