Food Waste Disposal in Idukki

  • District : Idukki
  • Subcategories : Food waste Disposal
Vesta Igniter Thodupuzha, Idukki
Today ( 09:30 AM To 05:00 PM ) Open Now
Waste management is a topic that is much familiar to all but failed to implement in practice. We feel the root cause is, 'where we start addressing the issue'?. When we see garbages in streets or landfills we tend to blame the government, local bodies, and others for their irresponsibility. But is that a solution? Or even if the... y try, can they bring the change? Our answer is a big 'NO'. Change should start within ourselves. From understanding the wastes to segregation to management mechanisms to the final disposal. Once we start doing our part of the job the rest will be taken care of automatically or at least manageable. VESTA IGNITER started its journey with a mission to educate and empower households to commercials about wastes and its disposal mechanisms. We want each home/office/institution to equip wit+ More

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