College in Thookkupalam

  • Locality : Thookkupalam
  • Subcategories : College
Today ( 09:00 AM To 05:00 PM ) Open Now
Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Arts & Science (JNIAS) stands strong for the students who are willing to learn something new. We are not restricting ourselves to just the academic education, which is just a part of our curriculum as we believe. The overall growth of students is also equally important. Our ultimate aim is to provide a le... arning experience which embraces changes in a positive way. Experience and innovation of faculties go hand in hand, by which the students gain knowledge and skills in order to prepare for the competitive world. Vision and Mission Our vision is to establish educational institutions that would offer a dominant, career oriented and comprehensive education combined with humanistic, scientific and social learning. Our mission is to provide cutting edge career oriented academic programs in a su+ More

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