Wedding, Catering, Photography, Videography, in Thodupuzha

  • Locality : Thodupuzha
  • Subcategories : Wedding, catering, photography, videography,
Today ( Open 24 hours ) Open Now
HEAVENS HOLIDAYS & EVENTS a premium Travel & Tour Operating – Event management firm based in THODUPUZHA, Kerala. We are the part of AJT Enterprises (P) Ltd. In 2017 we started a new branch in Vazhakulam and extend our service in Muvatupuzha area also. We have been the best tourism service provider for a long time giving various ... services to our customers at competitive prices. We provide our customers with different travel packages for various needs. Our dedicated team of professionals makes sure everything is perfect when while creating new Holiday packages. We always focus the age group & their common interest, while we create interesting itinerary which will give you a wonderful holiday experience. Our analysis team keep updating the itinerary based on our customer feedback. Hence we assure you that, you can rely+ More

Fab Designs Thodupuzha, Idukki
Today ( Holiday ) Closed
* Wedding cards * Stage decoration * Catering * Photography & Videography * Designing

Blue Birds Event Management Thodupuzha, Idukki
Corporate events, conference, stage shows, star night, DJ party, Trade fairs, Wedding events, birthday party, Baptism party, Photography / Video, Venues, Transportation, Catering service, Bridal Makeup, Car decoration, security service, manpower, Stage decoration, Flower arrangements, Fashion shows, theme parties, entertainment, Marketing... services, advertising, publicity, product launching, Inauguration, Celebrity management, model management, Live streaming... etc.+ More

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