Shipping Companies/agents in Kochi

  • Locality : Kochi
  • Subcategories : Shipping Companies/Agents
Sandook Logistics Private Limited Kochi, Ernakulam
  • Trusted by users
  • Genuine listing
Today ( 10:00 AM To 02:00 PM ) Open Now
25 years of experience in Logistics services Sandook Logistics Pvt. Ltd. is one of the fast emerging International Freight Forwarding companies managed by well experienced Professionals having more than 25 years of experience with in the Industry and also in the manufacturing sectors. Our Vision: Committed to provide innovative sup... ply chain solutions across the globe and ensure the enrichment of associated organisation, individuals to great recompenses. Our Mission: Commitment to our people and devotion to exceptional customer service and delivery towards commitment ensure value addition and utmost customer satisfaction. We introduce ourselves as one of the fastest emerging Logistic companies having associates and branches across the major metros in India. We offer seamless end-to-end supply chain solutions to re+ More

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