Mobile Phone Service / Laptop Service in Kaloor

  • Locality : Kaloor
  • Subcategories : Mobile Phone Service / Laptop Service
Techmago Kaloor, Ernakulam
Today ( Holiday ) Closed
How does Techmago Work? Once a compliant request is raised through our website, we sent a security code to authenticate the identity of the service engineer who would visit their premises. Ideally, we try to resolve most of our complaints at their doorsteps, but for complaints, which cannot be resolved at their doorsteps, we carry... it across to our affiliated vendors across the city. We then provide the customers, with a detailed diagnosis report and also suggest the customers if the device is repair worthy, the customer could then decide if he wants to repair it. Once the customer gives a go ahead, then the device is repaired, tested and delivered back to them at their doorsteps. If the customer doesn’t want to repair, the device will be delivered back it to them. We have a 10-step testing process for almost + More

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