Computer Courses in Ernakulam

  • District : Ernakulam
  • Subcategories : Computer Courses
228 listing(s) found
Cybernet Ernakulam, Ernakulam
Computer centre

eMarketing Academy Cochin, Ernakulam
E-Marketing Academy- a dedicated academy for internet marketing is first of its kind in Kerala. The Academy formed in 2011 with a mission to educate people in the quickly growing and evolving field of Internet Marketing. The Academy is focused to educate people as professional internet marketers. We have highly expert trainers in modern i... nternet marketing methods who has years of experience. E-Marketing Academy covers all the most important concepts which are necessary for online marketing excellence today. E-marketing Academy is the academic wing of the IT Company, Fametech Solutions, incubated in Innovation Lab- an extension center of TechnoPark Trivandrum. Academy's sole aim is to serve society by giving high quality professionals in this new and evolving medium of advertising- Internet Marketing+ More

eMarketing Academy Kathrikadavu, Ernakulam
E-Marketing Academy- a dedicated academy for internet marketing is first of its kind in Kerala. The Academy formed in 2011 with a mission to educate people in the quickly growing and evolving field of Internet Marketing. The Academy is focused to educate people as professional internet marketers. We have highly expert trainers in modern i... nternet marketing methods. E-Marketing Academy covers all the most important concepts which are necessary for online marketing excellence today.+ More

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