Krishna Hospital

Krishna Hospital, M G Road, Chittoor, Ernakulam - 682011

About Krishna Hospital

Specialty Services:

Krishna Hospital provides super speciality services to patient and arrangement with other hospitals for emergency treatment. Krishna Hospital has two ambulances, 24 hours, ready to service both in and out patients. Own transformers, two Generators (125 KV), Onsite Bio medical waste plant, lift to all floors. We provide a homely atmosphere to all. Canteen services is also available to all rooms etc.

Operation Theatres.

Total 5 in number, fully equipped operation theatre, separate operation theatre for Orthopedic , Eye, Urology and general surgery.
i) OP Room (Medical/Surgical/Dental)

1. 15 numbers of OP rooms with all departments are working.
2. Surgical room with all facilities.
3. Dental – Air conditioned dental department is working with 6 dentists, all modern technologies are applied. We also have laser treatment.

ii) Injection Room : Separate Injection rooms are provided

iii) Dressing Room / Minor Operation Theatre.
Krishna Hospital has minor theatre and separate dressing rooms.

iv)Dispensing Room
Dispensing room also working. Our Pharmacy is registered under Kerala Government.

v) IP Ward Arrangement
(General, Cubicle, Private rooms)
A/c rooms, Non A/c rooms, Double rooms and general ward (Male and Female separate provided)

vi) Operation theatre (General / Speciality)
5 number of A/c operation theatres and one minor OT also working.

viii) Laboratory
Specialised A/c laboratories are working under qualified doctor and technicians. We have a regular quality assessement program with CMC Vellore.

viii) Labour Room
Air Conditioned labour room is available.

ix) Blood Bank
Krishna Hospital has the facilities for the storage of blood. But near our hospital IMA is providing good service to our hospital with their blood bank, located five minutes from hospital.

x) Physiotherapy / Rehabilitation Room.
Krishna Hospital has physiotherapy department and separate room with modern equipments for last 20 years. Separate wight reduction therapy, separate exercise therapy also available. Yoga class conducted once in a week.

xi) Central Sterilization Room
Krishna hospital has a central sterilization room.

xii) Endoscopy Room: Endoscopy room is also provided

xiii) Counselling/ Day care facilities
Krishna Hospital has a counseling centre under a professionally qualified clinical Psychologist.

xiv) Cath Lab : Proposed to start a Cath lab

xv) Dialysis Unit : 
Negotiations are on to start Dialysis unit. Building construction is going on.

xvi) Radiology/ Imaging Room : 
Krishna Hospital has a separate radiology wing with Digital X-ray. Our Radiology department meets all safety precautions as per standard and assessed with Tata Institute.

xvii) CT/MRI/ Others : 
Krishna Hospital has the latest ultrasound and Doppler machine. Presently CT and MRI facilities are available within 5 minutes from our hospital. We propose to start CT scan unit.

xviii) Canteen/Dietary Services
Krishna hospital has own canteen and a dietitian is available. Room services also provided.

xix) Laundry : Krishna Hospital has own laundry facilities.

xx) Mortuary 
Krishna Hospital has proposed to make a mortuary. Government General Hospital is very near to our hospital (300 meters)

xxi) Incinerator/Alternate Waste Disposal Arrangement:
Krishna Hospital has its own waste treatment plant and water purification facilities also available and is approved by Pollution Control Board.

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