Education in Chakkaraparambu

  • Locality : Chakkaraparambu
  • Categories : Education
Upcarrera Education Pvt LTd Chakkaraparambu, Ernakulam
Today ( 09:30 AM To 05:30 PM ) Closed
UpCarrera is an online/ distance educational management system that provides access to high-quality academic opportunities through a variety of strategies, technologies and exemplary support services. We’re a diverse, forward-thinking team made up of people who are ambitious just like you. Established in 2022, we provide courses such as B... achelor Programs in Arts, Commerce, Management, Master Programs in Arts, Management, Science and Commerce, Skill Oriented Certification, Diploma, PG Diploma Programs etc. Our umpteen dynamic and well-informed instructors bring exceptional expertise to the academy in various needed capacities. And with this support, we are disrupting the higher education industry. We collaborate with Industries for internship and placement opportunities for students. Uplift your career with UpCareera.+ More

Jam Drum School Chakkaraparambu, Ernakulam
Today ( 09:00 AM To 06:00 PM ) Closed
Drum School.

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