Beer And Wine in Calicut

  • District : Calicut
  • Subcategories : Beer and Wine
Alakapuri Hotels Pvt Ltd. Palayam, Calicut
Today ( 12:00 AM To 12:00 PM ) Closed
Hotel And Restaurants , Vegeterian And Non Vegeterian Food items,Bar ,A/c and Non A/c Rooms,Wide Parking Facility.Internet Access , Air Conditioned Rooms , Cable/satellite Tv Service,Jubilee Banquet Hall , Wifi Service/wireless Internet , Play-pen for tiny tots,Extensive Car parking, High quality guest amenities,Daily choice of compliment... ary newspaper,Valet parking,24 hour coffee shop,Conference halls and other state-of- the-art facilities,Beer and Wine parlour.+ More

Hotel Calicut Gat Ramanattukara, Calicut
Today ( Holiday ) Closed
Hotel,Room, Beer And Wine Parlour,Accomodation,Hotel Services

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