Banking And Finance Course in Palakkad

  • Tag : Banking and Finance course
  • Locality : Palakkad
Edu Home Palakkad, Palakkad
  • Trusted by users
  • Genuine listing
Today ( 09:30 AM To 04:00 PM ) Closed
Prepare Bank Exams Under the Guidance of a Bank Officer With Lowest Course Fee. A young couple was highly enthused by the words of Dr.Kalam to dream big. He, Vinod by sheer dint of hard work and dedication crossed innumerable hurdles to enter the portals of State Bank as a probationary officer. She, Swapna, a dreamy eyed girl with a ... post graduate degree in Commerce, was a school teacher. Together they dreamt and what shaped their dreams was Vinod's hands-on experience in Banking Exams and Swapna's skill in academic administration. From the symbiosis of their skills was born "EDU-HOME, their "Manasaputri" on 8th of March 2009 The sojourn of the fledging organisation was not without its due share of problems. A small room in the first floor of the building in Chandranagar was where the institute st+ More

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