Kannanthanam School of Tourism Studies is an IATA (Montreal, Canada) Authorised Training Centre for IATA Foundation/ Consultant / Management Courses related to the International Travel and Tourism Industry. Going by the results, it is one of the best schools in the world, achieving full passes in 31 previous examinations until 2021. Kannanthanam students bagged First Rank (India) in the Consultant exams of March 2012 and March 2015.
The school also bagged the Best Results Award (India) 2009 and South Asia's Top Training Centre Award in 2010 & 2011 in enrolments and results.
What is special about Kannanthanam School?
Excellent results & excellent placements(with a proven track record) are what make the school special. Excellent coaching by Anie Varghese Kannanthanam and her world class team of instructors.
Ms. Anie Varghese Kannanthanam
M.A. English Literature / PG Diploma in Journalism /
IATA / UFTAA Standard & Advanced Diplomas (Switzerland)/ IATA/UFTAA Foundation, Consultant and Senior Management Diplomas (Canada) / Qualified lecturer of IATA /UFTAA International Travel & Tourism Courses / First in India to win the four star medal of IATA Senior Management Exam.
IATA stands for International Air Transport Association. As of now, it has about 275 member airlines and represents about 83% of the world's total air traffic. It has about 400 strategic partners. IATA is led by Mr.Alexandre de Juniac, Director General & CEO, since September 2016.
IATA's mission is to represent, lead and serve the airline industry
IATA is headquartered in Montreal, Canada.
ITDI is IATA Training and Development Institute and is responsible for developing IATA courses and imparting them the world over through Authorised Training Centres. They conduct examinations all around the world, evaluate answer sheets, declare results and issue certificates.

The school also bagged the Best Results Award (India) 2009 and South Asia's Top Training Centre Award in 2010 & 2011 in enrolments and results.
What is special about Kannanthanam School?
Excellent results & excellent placements(with a proven track record) are what make the school special. Excellent coaching by Anie Varghese Kannanthanam and her world class team of instructors.
Ms. Anie Varghese Kannanthanam
M.A. English Literature / PG Diploma in Journalism /
IATA / UFTAA Standard & Advanced Diplomas (Switzerland)/ IATA/UFTAA Foundation, Consultant and Senior Management Diplomas (Canada) / Qualified lecturer of IATA /UFTAA International Travel & Tourism Courses / First in India to win the four star medal of IATA Senior Management Exam.
IATA stands for International Air Transport Association. As of now, it has about 275 member airlines and represents about 83% of the world's total air traffic. It has about 400 strategic partners. IATA is led by Mr.Alexandre de Juniac, Director General & CEO, since September 2016.
IATA's mission is to represent, lead and serve the airline industry
IATA is headquartered in Montreal, Canada.
ITDI is IATA Training and Development Institute and is responsible for developing IATA courses and imparting them the world over through Authorised Training Centres. They conduct examinations all around the world, evaluate answer sheets, declare results and issue certificates.