Panavila Hostel For Employed Women

About Panavila Hostel For Employed Women

Phew Trivandrum began its operation on the 9th of July 2010.We were blessed with our venture by the presence of Dr. Shashi Tharoor, Hon'ble Member of Parliament, Who inaugurated PHEW Trivandrum on the 8th of July 2010. The inaugural ceremony was presided by Shri V. Shvan Kutty, Hon'ble Member of Legislative Assembly.
Smt. K.K.Shyalaja Teacher, Hon'ble Member of Legislative Assembly, launched the functioning of the ladies hostel by performing the "Grihapravesham" Ceremony. "Bhadradeepam" was carried out by Smt. B. Lekshmi, Counselor, Thycaud ward, Thiruvanthapuram in the presence of Smt.K.K.Shylaja Teacher. The official launching of PHEW website ( was carried out by Shri.V.ShivanKutty,MLa.
PHEW is specially designed for executive working women;tailor made to suit the requirements of our valued customers.
Each room is equipped with all modern amenities for a luxurious and comfortable stay.
Located at the heart of Thiruvanthapuram City in Kerala. PHEW offers executive homestays to working women with the choice of weekly, monthly or yearly basis.
Each room is equipped with independent wooden cots and medicated mattress for maximum comfort and spacious enough to breathe easy. The number of occupants in each room varies depends upon the size of the room and can be either with 2 cots, 3 cots, 4 cots or dormitory with 8 beds.
Each occupant is provided with a safety locker and separate cupboard with long mirror fitted on it. aLl cupbpoards have separate locks and keys.
Professional Administration with Resident matron, Asst. Matron and other support staff members.
Round the clock security with alert security personnel.

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