A Pioneer Diagnostic Centre in Sasthamangalam, offering good quality service at moderate rates

Working Hours

Monday 09:30 AM To 06:30 PM

Tuesday 09:30 AM To 06:30 PM

Wednesday 09:30 AM To 06:30 PM

Thursday 09:30 AM To 06:30 PM

Friday 09:30 AM To 06:30 PM

Saturday 09:30 AM To 06:30 PM

Sunday 09:30 AM To 06:30 PM

About Rejath Clinical Laboratory

REJATH CLINICAL LAB is a pioneer diagnostic centre in Trivandrum located at Sasthamangalam in front of Sree Ramakrishna Ashrama. Our Motto is to provide Reliable results at reasonable Rates. The lab started functioning in 1987 after it was formally inaugurated by Dr. R.Raman Nair, Rtd. Superintendent SAT Hospital Trivandrum on 23rd April 1987, in a modest function in front of an elite gathering of well-wishers, friends and local dignitaries. The far sightedness and administrative skills of our founder B.K.Rajendran Nair along with the support and sustained efforts from his family members has helped in the evolvement of a small micro enterprise in to a full-fledged laboratory with all modern amenities. The management of the laboratory comprises of a set of medical personnel including medical practioners in and outside the country and medical technologists, whose expertise and practical skill has made our institution a step ahead of our competitors in the field.

The lab was started as a primarily as a primary level diagnostic laboratory performing all routine investigations, and over a period of time we have achieved steady growth by increasing our diagnostic armamentarium. With the introduction of ultra-modern equipments and specialty services we have reached a level of preeminence. Electrocardiography was introduced in 1990 with a single channel ECG machine which has been upgraded to a Multichannel one later on. The department of Microbiology started functioning from the 5th year onwards. We were one of the premiers to shift to automation by introduction of Biochemistry Semi-Autoanalyser on the occasion of our 10th Anniversary and it has been updated with a Fully Autoanalyser in our Silver jubilee year of service. Automation of the Hematology department was done on 20th year of service during 2007 with introduction of fully automated Hematology analyzer, Coagulation analyser and Automated ESR analyzer. Biochemistry Department was reinforced with the addition of Automated ISE Electrolyte analyzer and Hormone assay analysers in addition to Intelligent Nephalometry Analyser for quantitative immunological assays.
The lab has setforth prime importance to the quality control measures. As a part of it we have implemented daily internal quality with QC Sera from Biorad USA and we are member of external quality assurance program with CMC.Vellore. Our reports have continuosly attained the excellency marks in all tests. On the path of ensuring international standards we have implemented standard practices and have received ISO certification in 2016 and have recently been certified by Quality Council of India by providing NABH Certification in 2020.

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