ICSE School
Marion Villa Convent ISC School

About Marion Villa Convent ISC School

Marion Villa Convent ISC School, Kumarapuram, Trivandrum was established in 1985, affiliated to the Council for India School Certificate examination. Owned and Managed by the Congregation of the Carmelite Religious (CCR) General ate, All Saints Campus, Trivandrum. Marion Villa Convent School is located at Kumarapuram, I km away from Trivandrum Medical College, Regional Cancer Centre and Sri Chitra Medical Centre. It is accessible by all modes of transport from any station. Academic excellence, discipline and extracurricular activities are our whole mark. It caters to the needs of every child irrespective of caste, creed and religion. The school is owned and managed by the Congregation of the Carmelite Religious who work in Trivandrum Diocese.

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