Start up recruitment and licensing Head hunting & Placement Providing standard Operating Procedure Empanel corporate and Insurance companies Business development of healthcare setups. Revival-Healthcare Institutions, Placement of Doctors

Working Hours

Monday 10:00 AM To 05:30 PM

Tuesday 10:00 AM To 05:30 PM

Wednesday 10:00 AM To 05:30 PM

Thursday 10:00 AM To 05:30 PM

Friday 10:00 AM To 05:30 PM

Saturday Holiday

Sunday Holiday

About Suban associates

This business is initiated by team of professionals who have wide exposure to General Administration,HR and Hospital Administration(Including Nursing) .The lead person had been working in various Industries including healthcare (18Years as CEO/GM/Administrator of Hospitals with 175+ beds)
The team would like to help various industries specifically Healthcare in manpower selection process,
Identifying required medical consultants, para medical staff, to certain extent equipment selection ,standard operating procedures ,costing of services etc.

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