Serene Mental Health Solutions

Peringattu Gardens, Old M C Road, Thellakom, Kottayam - 686630
Serene Mental Health Solutions

Working Hours

Monday 10:00 AM To 02:00 PM

Tuesday 10:00 AM To 02:00 PM

Wednesday 10:00 AM To 02:00 PM

Thursday 10:00 AM To 02:00 PM

Friday 10:00 AM To 02:00 PM

Saturday 10:00 AM To 02:00 PM

Sunday Holiday

About Serene Mental Health Solutions

We help you revitalise and revive your mind, behaviour, personality and social relationships by highlighting your strengths, opportunities and positives.

We help you boost your self-esteem and self-confidence and enhance your self-acceptance.

We teach you how to efficiently and effectively cope with the strife in day to day life.

We help you to get back your aspirations and achievements, your personal relationships, your family ties, your health and well-being and above all peace of mind.

So take the first step today......

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