Ahalia Foundation Eye Hospital

Ahalia Foundation Eye Hospital, Perunna, Changanacherry, Perunna, Changanacherry, Perunna, Kottayam - 686102
Sreejith Mohandas

Working Hours

weak days 8.30 am to 5.30 pm, sunday 8.30 am to 3.00 pm

About Ahalia Foundation Eye Hospital

With cutting edge technology and experienced medical professionals, Ahalia envisages becoming the preeminent eye care destination in India, providing the best available treatment, attracting large number of patients from other state as well as becoming a destination for international patients to avail quality ophthalmic care at affordable cost.

Now it has added one more feather to its cap-accreditation by the prestigious Joint Commission International, USA.

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JCI accreditation is the ultimate recognition in the field of health care and is awarded after a strenuous quality audit conducted by a team of international healthcare experts. What makes it even more worthwhile is the fact that AFEH is the first hospital in Kerala and the only Eye hospital in the whole of South India to achieve this honor.

With this recognition, Ahalia is proud to herald the arrival of international standard health care to Kerala with special focus on quality improvement, patient safety and

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