IHM Marygiri


Working Hours

Monday Open 24 hours

Tuesday Open 24 hours

Wednesday Open 24 hours

Thursday Open 24 hours

Friday Open 24 hours

Saturday Open 24 hours

Sunday Open 24 hours

About IHM Marygiri

Immaculate Heart of Mary (I.H.M.)Hospital which is popularly known as Marygiri Hospital was founded in 1948 by Medical Mission Sisters (MMS), inspired by the spirit of the foundress Mother Anna Dengel. MMS, a religious congregation of women, is dedicated to the healing mission of Church, regardless of caste, creed, color and religion.


The hospital philosophy is based on a conviction that all people are equal and shares the same divine life and that every individual has a basic right to health. We therefore are called forth to a commitment to serve our follow beings by providing health services continuously to assure the enjoyment of this right especially by the poor

As the name Immaculate heart of Mary Hospital suggests, the hospital is dedicated to Immaculate Heart of Mary. This is a general hospital responding to the ordinary health needs of the people around. This made us not to become a super specialty hospital. Till now we raised donations through Medical Mission Sisters Society and other friends abroad. This is becoming more and more difficult and scarce. So now we are turning to our local friends, benefactors, families, staff & students for continued support. We invite you to join a group called “FRIENDS OF IHM” who can support the charitable activities of the hospital by donating a minimum of Rs 1000/- per year. The donated amount will be solely used for the free care of the poor patients admitted in the hospital. The intentions of the donors will be remembered in the daily Eucharistic celebration and in our morning prayers. Kindly give your full address, phone number and e-mail id. Finally, we request you to campaign on our behalf to enroll members to this circle of “FRIENDS OF IHM” to help us continue the healing mission of Christ.

Thanking You,
Sr. Mini Ottaplackal MMS

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