Wall Marker

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About Wall Marker

Wallmarkar is a 10 year firm with experience in the field of building construction and interior designing. Over 1000 projects have been completed, both small and large during this period. There are many projects going on inside and outside Kerala. The only specialty is that it is construction using only high quaility materials without compromising on quality. The company has received a lot of recognition for its performance. We work with out customers to meet their customers budget. We work with the customer to meet the needs of the customer without having to differentiate them from small to large. We complete each project with a powerful super mission, without compromising on the various stages of construction, from planning to hand over the key. Design concept in the present day is a very scientifically simple and long lasting design work without losing any of the tension. Wallmarker is a team of engineers, innovators and experienced staff with long experience in additon to residential projects, the interior work of commercial establishments, school, bank, office, hospitals, and airport.

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