Major Ravi’s Training Academy

About Major Ravi’s Training Academy

Major Ravi’s Training Academy is the only name with an unmatched track record of contributing career aspirants to the uniformed forces of India through NDA, CDS, naval and air force academies, AFMC (MBBS & Military Nursing (B Sc & GNM), Staff Selection Commission, UPSC and SSC Exams, and other on commissioned officer ranks. We raise awareness among aspirants about the ever-changing pattern of Defence Services Examinations in order to equip them with the confidence and courage to take these exams. Our trainees have been able to make self-evaluations of their methods and accordingly make improvements in their plans for joining the Indian Armed Forces as well as various paramilitary forces as a result of these types of endeavours that we have successfully introduced over the years. This has enabled them to perform with passion and patriotism in academic and physical exams, and to secure positions in the Indian Army, Navy, Air Force, various paramilitary forces, and state forces such as the Police, Excise, Fire Force, and Forest Services. In response to numerous requests from across the state, Major Ravi’s Training Academy has begun operations to enable aspirants and parents to benefit from our experience and expertise in the field of Pre-Recruitment Training.

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