Airomas College

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About Airomas College

Airomas College is an institution affiliated to BSS- Bharat Sevak Samaj, the National Development Agency promoted by Govt. of India and STED Council, NGO Reg. under Govt of India. It is situated in nearby KSRTC/PVT Bus Station & Railway Station. The main purpose behind the formation of Airomas College is to train both young boys and girls to tap the vast job opportunities in the Airline, Travel and Tourism sectors. The ‘Airomas College’ is formed by a group of self dedicated and selfless educators on very strong realistic and innovative principles to provide successful and rewarding professions to the youth in the present highly competitive hi-tech era of civilization.AiromasCollege adjoins latest knowledge for each of the training programmes it provides. The structure of all courses has been designed as per the ongoing and prospective requirement of the industry.Since the inception, we have been creating the students ready for aviation, hospitality and retail industry.

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