Working Hours
Monday 09:00 AM To 06:00 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM To 06:00 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM To 06:00 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM To 06:00 PM
Friday 09:00 AM To 06:00 PM
Saturday 09:00 AM To 06:00 PM
Sunday 09:00 AM To 06:00 PM
About RENACON AAC blocks
★RENACON AAC blocks★
◆ Light in weight but very strong
◆ Longer size, hence less joints
◆ Earthquake resistant as per study
◆ Reduce labour cost upto 30%
◆ Easily nailed, drilled and cut for pipes
◆ Its fire resistant and eco friendly
◆ One block is 1.33 sqft
60 cm in length
20 cm in height
10,15&20 in widthbas per the requirements
《《《 Good bye to bricks..! 》》》
Other products are
◆ Thin joint motar
◆ Special jointing material for laying aac blocks and concrete blocks
◆ Thin layer sufficient for jointing
◆ Improvs compressive and tensile strength
《《《 Good bye to cement and sand 》》》
◆ Tile adhesive (special adhesive for fixing tiles on interior, exterior and wall surface)
◆ Easy workability and water resistant
◆ No curing required
◆ Reduced weight and thickness of the structure
◆ Can be used directly on any surface
☆☆Method of application
< The surface should be free from dirt, oil grease and other bond resistant materials.
< Cleaning can be done by high pressure water blasting
< Use clean water to water to wet the surface
< Take 5 . 7 liters of water and mix with 20 kg of Renafix.
< Keep mixing until a smooth, and homegeneous consistency is achived.
< Let the mixed tile adhesive stand for 5 minutes so that the additives will dissolve. Then mix again to apply.
< Use a notch trowel for the application of adhesive. Tiles must be fixed within the specified open time.
< Adjustment of tiles should be done within 15minutes of installation.
《《《 Good bye to cement and sand 》》》
◆ Ready mix cement plastering material for aac blocks bricks and concrete blocks
◆ Better coverage in plastering area
◆ Excellent bonding and durable finish
◆ Less rebound reduces the wastage during plastering
☆☆Methode of application
< The surface to be plastered should be free of dust, loose mortar.
< Mix 6to 7liters of water per 40kg bag of Renaplast.
< For better mixing, use a mechanical mixer or electrical stirrer for about 5-10minutes.
< Before application of plaster, the surface must be pre- wetted with water.
< The mixture should be applied within hour of preparation.
< Renaplast should be applied manually using normal procedure
< Renaplast Thin Plaster should be applied to a thickness of 3 to 5 mm
< Renaplast Thick Plaster should be applied to a thickness of 10 to 12 mm
< During application direct exposure to sunlight, wind and rain should be avoided
< After plaster is completely dry, curing is done 2-3 times for 2 to 3 days.
《《《 Good bye to cement and sand 》》》