Mariyan Natural Stone and Landscaping

Plammoottil building Uppukandom, Uppukandom, junction, Kattappana, Kerala 685514, Kattappana, Idukki - 685508

About Mariyan Natural Stone and Landscaping

Mariyan concrete industries started in the year of 2010. We have good track record of last six years. Our products like paving Tile ,Porch Tile, and Cement products. We have 50 plus variety of cement products in our cement products named as parrort, Arayannam ,Peacock.
Manikkal,Triveni…………………Rajalli Last six years we made 1000 of satisfied customers in idukki district and we will maintain quality products. In our production unit at Kattapanna and branh in uppukandam
We have different type of paving tile as well as porch tile. We will under take site work also we will under take all the site works regarding all kind pawing works, Tile works and cement products work

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